1. Danube Sculpture Symposium Ulm/ Neu-Ulm
In the course of the Donaufest 2014, for the first time there was a Danube-Stone-Sculpture Symposium. Five artists have been chosen by a jury amongst 52 applicants from all of the Danube countries. Each chosen artist worked on their sculpture in Ulm for 10 days. The topic was "Meeting".
People were invited to meet the artists, get in contact, watch their sculpture grow within those 10 days.
The finished sculptures have been offered for sale on July 13th.
Participants in 2014:
Vladan Martinovic, Serbia http://www.vladanmartinovic.com/
Dumitru Verdianu, Moldova http://sculpturesverdianu.com/
Florin Strejac, Romania http://florinstrejac.weebly.com/
Robert Zdarilek, Croatia
Dietmar Rudolf, artistic director and coordinator
© Dietmar Rudolf 2025